December 28, 2023

Unlock the Future of Authentication with Corbado: Say Goodbye to Passwords!

Tools Report





Imagine a world where forgetting passwords is no longer a daily frustration but a relic of the past. Enter Corbado (, the groundbreaking tool revolutionizing the way we access digital spaces. With Corbado, the hassle of remembering complex passwords is replaced by the simplicity and security of passkeys, allowing users to log in with just a glance or a touch. This tool isn't just about convenience; it's about transforming security and user experience in the digital realm.

Who's It For?

Developed for innovators, developers, and digital product managers, Corbado is perfect for anyone looking to streamline user authentication in their applications. Whether launching a new app or seeking to enhance an existing one, Corbado offers a seamless transition to a passwordless future, making it a must-have for tech pioneers aiming to elevate user experience and bolster security.

How Does It Work?

Corbado simplifies the login process by employing biometric authentication methods like Face ID and Touch ID, already familiar to many through their smartphones. Vincent Delitz, co-founder of Corbado, explains, "Passkeys are basically a Face ID attached to login websites." This approach not only makes logging in faster and more intuitive but also significantly increases security by eliminating the vulnerabilities associated with traditional passwords.

Why Is It a Game Changer?

The benefits of Corbado are twofold: enhanced user experience and bolstered security. By removing the need for passwords, Corbado drastically reduces the friction in the login process, leading to higher conversion rates and user retention. Furthermore, passkeys are impervious to common password-based attacks, offering a much-needed solution to the growing concern of data breaches.

What's Under the Hood?

Delitz shares insights into the challenges of integrating passkey authentication, highlighting the shift towards a front-end-focused approach. This innovation required reimagining traditional authentication flows, leading to the development of web and flutter components that ensure compatibility and a seamless experience across devices and browsers.

How Do Users Get Started?

Getting started with Corbado is as straightforward as it gets. Developers can integrate Corbado into their projects with just a few lines of code, making the entire authentication system passkey-optimized in less than a sprint. For those interested in exploring Corbado's capabilities, a visit

to Corbado's website provides all the necessary resources to begin the transition towards a passwordless future.

Any Tips or Tricks?

For developers integrating Corbado, Delitz suggests focusing on the seamless integration of the front-end components provided by Corbado, ensuring that the user experience is optimized for biometric authentication. Reviewing Corbado's developer documentation can uncover new features and integrations that enhance functionality.

What's the Future Look Like?

Looking ahead, Corbado is set to expand its suite of features, focusing on improving cross-device and cross-platform processes and adding more integrations for popular frameworks. This ongoing development promises to keep Corbado at the forefront of auhentication technology, making digital experiences safer and more user-friendly.

Common Questions

  • Can I use Corbado with existing applications?
  • Yes, Corbado offers solutions for new and existing applications, ensuring a smooth transition to passkey authentication.
  • What if my users' devices aren't passkey-ready?
  • Corbado provides fallback options, such as email magic links, ensuring all users benefit from improved security and convenience.

Embarking on the journey to a passwordless future with Corbado not only enhances the security of your digital products but also significantly improves the overall user experience. With easy integration, a focus on cutting-edge technology, and a vision for a safer internet, Corbado is leading the charge toward a world where passwords are a thing of the past. Visit Corbado today to learn more and get started.


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